Hunting friends

The best thing in the world would be inconceivable without like-minded people!

Simply create a new chat-group of the hunting fellows with whom you hunt in the preserve and you can share all information via the group chat.

Highlights for hunting friends:

  • A newly created preserve, new sitting games or else ladders and raised hides that have been moved only need to be recorded by one hunting friend and can subsequently be shared with the hunting friends group. This avoids unnecessary multiple entries!
  • The hunting friends (addressees) receive a chat message about the updated preserve and only have to import the preserve data – it could not be easier or more convenient!
  • You are planning a collective sitting game or a driven hunt? No problem! Simply copy the existing preserve, rename it, for instance, in “Collective sitting game of 25-05-17, 7 p.m., preserve Oberlauterbach” and adapt the preserve data according to your needs. You can delete sitting games, add new ones, or simply define a meeting point on your preserve map with more detailed information such as date, time or information about the meeting point. Then share the adapted preserve with your hunting guests. Thus everybody is informed in advance about where he will be positioned and at the same time receives more detailed information about his sitting game / stand.
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